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A sustainable agroforestry system in the Llanos, Colombia.


Los Llanos: Ecosystem and Region of South America

Los llanos: Ecosystem and Region of South America

The Green Ranch is located in the Colombian part of the Llanos region. Los Llanos is a vast region located in northern South America, shared by Venezuela and Colombia, in the Orinoco basin. It is a vital ecosystem for global conservation, considered one of the Global 200 by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). This savanna biome is characterized by extensive plains, a tropical savanna climate, with marked rainy and dry seasons. Temperatures are high, especially in the dry season, with a notable daily thermal amplitude, as temperatures drop slightly during the rainy season.

The Llanos are key to the economy of both countries due to their aptitude for livestock and agriculture. In addition, the region is home to important oil activities.



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  5. Sustainable - long-term


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“The Green Ranch“ A sustainable agroforestry system in the Llanos region of Colombia. 

The Green Ranch aims to establish a sustainable agroforestry system that integrates mango trees as fodder and CO₂ storage and operates an ecologically, economically and socially just cattle ranch. The project covers an area of 100,000 hectares of savannah land that has been used as cattle pasture since the 18th century. The combination of mango tree cultivation and cattle breeding is intended to create productive, climate-friendly and economically profitable landscapes in the long term.

Economic benefits:
Location and ecological conditions

Los Llanos offers ideal climatic conditions for the integration of mango trees (Mangifera indica). These trees thrive excellently in tropical and subtropical climate zones and integrate perfectly into the local ecosystem. In addition to their function as food, mangoes make an important contribution to climate protection by storing carbon.

Economic benefits of mango trees:

Development of the livestock and growth strategy

1. continuous herd growth:

Develop a long-term plan for rearing and integrating offspring to reach a herd size of 200,000 animals.

2. income strategy:

Regular sale of young bulls and selected animals from overproduction to ensure a balance between herd size and economic stability.

3. additional sources of income :

Trading CO₂ certificates from mango tree cultivation offers considerable additional income potential.

26,000 cattle

Current stock

200,000 cattle

Planned for 5-10 years

The current livestock population is around 26,000 cattle. The aim is to increase this number to 200,000 animals within 5 to 10 years. Through targeted breeding and optimisation of reproduction rates, stock growth is to be managed sustainably and efficiently. In the first few years, mainly young bulls and animals not required for breeding are to be sold, followed later by calves and cows.

An investment with a future

The Green Ranch combines modern agricultural practices with environmental and climate protection. With a clear focus on agroforestry, sustainable cattle breeding and CO₂ sequestration, the project not only offers economic returns, but also makes a valuable contribution to the ecological stability of the region. Investors have the opportunity to participate in an innovative and future-proof project that combines economic success with sustainability.

Image by Mauricio Cuéllar

*Copyrights Imagen 1. by wiki los llanos, 2. File:Ecoregion NT0709.svg - Wikipedia

Image by Mikita Yo


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